I'm so glad you're here!


I need to tell you something.


I know about that spark.

The one in your belly that tells you there's more to life than this.

And I know that every time you grow that spark into a flame, your mental trolls come rushing in like an old timey fire brigade and take turns dumping buckets of water on your fire.

You're too much this and not enough that Splish
You're a fraud and everyone will see through you Splash
So-and-so is already doing this better than you ever will Douse
No one wants what you're offering Drench

That spark refuses to die, though, doesn't it?

No matter how often you've convinced yourself it wasn't the right time, not the right circumstances, you didn't have the right connections... it keeps on burning and drawing you to its light.

Now that you've found me? Those inner bullies, critics, and 'fraidy cats don't stand a chance. 

If you're ready to do the work, I'm right here with the materials and the toolbox to help you build a foundation that will protect that spark, no matter how bright you make it burn.

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One of us, support community

One of Us

A community for those who haven’t yet met the people who believe in them and support their dreams. You belong here with us! 

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